Author name: admin


Your Ex is Still Waiting for You, Five Simple Reasons Why

Sometimes, a breakup isn’t necessarily the automatic end of a relationship. Just because two people break up doesn’t mean that they lose their feelings for one another. That’s not the way that breakups work. It also gets to a point wherein people will accept that the breakup took place even though they’re still in love. Now, since […]


Should I Break Up Because I am Depressed?

Should I break up because I am depressed? Mental illness is an “illness”, it is not who you are. It is not a part of your soul, it is a part of your mind and it will heal over time. When you’re in a relationship, you’re with your partner through the good and the bad, in sickness


6 Texts To Send Your Ex After A Break Up

Breaking up is never really an easy thing for anyone to just go through. This is especially true if there are still a lot of lingering feelings involved that need to be addressed. But in spite of the negative nature of every breakup, it doesn’t always have to be so bad. You just have to


Can too much sex have side-effects?

Are you becoming an addict who cannot stop thinking about or having sex? This is how it can affect you. I am a recently married woman and my husband wants to have sex all the time, even if I am not interested. I have said no at several occasions but that has really made him

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