Healthy Tips

Healthy Tips

Reasons For Getting Skin Fungus And How To Prevent It

When you hear the word fungus, you may think of mushrooms growing on a wet tree trunk, mold on old bread, or mildew at the back of the refrigerator. These are perhaps the most well-known forms of fungi (more than one fungus), but did you know that there are up to 1.5 million species of

Healthy Tips

Early Signs That Cancer Is Growing In Your Body

 Routine checks at the doctor will surely not protect you from cancer on their own. Early detection is key if you want to survive the disease, which is why you need to listen to your body and recognize the signs sooner rather than later. Here are the main symptoms of cancer you should look out

Healthy Tips

Everything You Need To Know About Vitamin B12

 Vitamin B 12 enables new cell formation in the human body, makes the old cells regenerate and maintains the nerve cells and red blood cells. This particular vitamin attaches to the proteins in food and when it’s released, it bonds with intrinsic factor (glycoprotein), a substance that allows our intestines to absorb vitamin B 12

Healthy Tips

5 Reasons Behind Breast Pain

Breast pain, aka ‘mastalgia’, accounts for nearly half of all breast-related complaints. However, before you start jumping to dire conclusions (breast cancer!), please read this. If you’re suffering from pain, tenderness or increased sensitivity to touch or pressure in one or both of your breasts, we can understand that you’re probably terrified and imagining the

Healthy Tips


Men and women’s natural smells and tastes are part of human se*uality, and as long as you’re healthy, there’s nothing wrong with how the universe made you. EAT THE RIGHT FOODS Did you know that vegetarians have been proven to have better-tasting secretions than meat eaters?! It’s true that what you eat affect how you

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