Productivity Hacks

Productivity Hacks

Face Brown Spots Removal – The Right Choice?

If you are experiencing dark under eye circles and spots, then it is important to learn about methods to remove them safely and effectively. These skin conditions can be very embarrassing for anyone to have, and they can also lead to low self-esteem. Fortunately, there are some simple steps that you can take to improve […]

Productivity Hacks

Simple Ways to Get Rid of Skin Warts Easily!

Who wouldn’t want to get rid of skin warts? They’re ugly, and they can be embarrassing. If you have ever looked at someone with skin warts, you’ve probably stared in wonder, wishing for a way to remove them yourself. Fortunately, there are several ways to effectively treat them, and most of them are completely safe

Productivity Hacks

How To Get Rid Of Saggy Skin

It is best if you can reduce your neck weight to reduce the visible signs of saggy skin around your neck. One way to do this is through dieting. A diet containing more antioxidants such as beta carotene, vitamin C and E and selenium can help your body fight free radicals that cause ageing. Another

Productivity Hacks

Different Methods for Unwanted Hair Removal

Unwanted hair removal is a very common dilemma that all individuals wish to have removed permanently from their bodies. This is particularly prevalent in young girls and women. But these days the male population too are starting to take part in this process and are starting to shape, trim and shave their unwanted hair as

Productivity Hacks

Get Rid Of Underarm Odour Naturally

1. Apple Cider Vinegar Apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial properties. This can neutralize the environment in the underarm area and helps in the destruction of the odor-causing bacteria. Regular use of apple cider vinegar can also help in preventing the accumulation of bacteria. You Will Need A small bowl of apple cider vinegar Cotton balls

Productivity Hacks

Forehead Acne Treatment

How To Reduce Forehead Acne Naturally 1. Aloe Vera Aloe vera contains active components that possess antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which may help alleviate acne and pimples on the forehead. You Will Need Aloe vera gel (as required) What You Have To Do Dab a little aloe vera gel on the affected area. Leave it

Productivity Hacks

Home Remedies And Tips To Control Hair Fall

1. Vitamins Deficiencies in vitamins H, D, and E are associated with hair loss. Restoring such deficiencies by supplementing these vitamins may help restore hair growth. However, remember that over supplementation of these vitamins, as well as vitamin A, can cause severe side effects like alopecia. 2. Coconut Oil Coconut oil can penetrate deep into

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