DIY Home Hacks

Grow Your Eyelashes In Just 3 Days

Long, thick eyelashes and perfect eyebrows are every woman’s dream. There are many hair growth supplements on the market, but they can be loaded with chemicals and often don’t give the desired effect. Luckily, there is a natural way to stimulate the growth of hair follicles and make your eyebrows and eyelashes thicker. This natural […]

Health Care


Sooner or later every woman has to go to the health practitioner with signs and symptoms for which it is uncomfortable to talk about. Redness, genital itching, swelling of the mucous membranes, stomach pain, foul-smelling secretions… Vaginitis is an irritation of the lining of the vagina precipitated via pathogenic bacteria or fungi. This sickness affects

Health Care

My Cystic Fibrosis Creation Story

I wouldn’t say I was reckless, instead I would call it young and lacking confidence. I was a college student, living with two friends in a fabulous neighborhood in east Denver, waiting tables, and living a very active, ahem, nightlife. Never any of the big drugs, mostly drinks. A lot of drinks. And cigarettes, dammit.


My Cystic Fibrosis Creation Story

I wouldn’t say I was reckless, instead I would call it young and lacking confidence. I was a college student, living with two friends in a fabulous neighborhood in east Denver, waiting tables, and living a very active, ahem, nightlife. Never any of the big drugs, mostly drinks. A lot of drinks. And cigarettes, dammit.

Health and Nutrition

How To Get Rid Of Bad Breath Quickly

Prevention is better than cure:- This has always been my rule of thumb in all matters, but particularly the problem of halitosis, because essentially it’s a health issue and good health means good breath, so should be treated as such. Depending on the cause, there are different manners of stopping it before it has started

Productivity Hacks

8 ways to treat headaches without medication

Migraines are intense throbbing headaches, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and extreme sensitivity to light and saound. According to Mayo Clinic, the cause of migraines is still largely unknown, though migraine sufferers can often identify their personal triggers. Triggers can be anything from hormonal changes to stress and from sun glare to a change in the barometric

Productivity Hacks

Eat 5 walnuts per day and see what happens

Walnuts are known as a super food because of their high content of healthy fats they contain together with the numerous health benefits they provide. These foods comprise anything from almonds and pistachios to peanuts and walnuts. However, in case you want to make more improvements concerning your health, read on to find out why

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