Healthy Tips

Healthy Tips

Wrap Your Breasts In Cabbage Leaves And Wait For 1 Hour

The answer is YES, many women put cabbage leaves on their breasts. Take a look at the article below and find out more about this method. Cabbage leaves are used to reduce breast swelling and relieve the pain and discomfort that breastfeeding a baby can cause. This method is also very helpful in soothing the

Healthy Tips

5 Reasons Behind Breast Pain

Breast pain, aka ‘mastalgia’, accounts for nearly half of all breast-related complaints. However, before you start jumping to dire conclusions (breast cancer!), please read this. If you’re suffering from pain, tenderness or increased sensitivity to touch or pressure in one or both of your breasts, we can understand that you’re probably terrified and imagining the

Healthy Tips

You Are NOT Fat! You Only Have ‘Poop’ Stuck In Your Belly!

You are surely familiar with the recommended dosage of water every day. Of course, it is important to stay hydrated. Therefore, consuming ‘watery’ foods and drinking plenty of water can be the key to losing a lot of weight. The ‘watery’ foods you should consume are fruits, vegetables, like greens and melon that contain a huge amount

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