Overdose Of Health

Overdose Of Health

What Your Tongue is Trying to Tell You About Your Health

The tongue analysis comes from the antiquated therapeutic routine with regards to Ayurveda, a framework that underpins generally wellbeing through cautious perception of the body and brain. Its introduce is that we are comprised of shifting extents of common components – air, earth, fire, water, and ether, that make the 3 essential protected sorts, ‘dosha’s’:

Overdose Of Health


You probably know that our bodies are 75% made of water. -Fluid circulates in the vessels, fills various cells and stays between the cells. It is involved in numerous processes, which help us stay healthy and active. -We lose water throughout the day, vaporizing it when breathe, cry and sweat. Our body eliminates water through

Overdose Of Health

Never Ignore These Warning Signs Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

The deficiency of vitamin B12, or hypocobalaminemia, refers to the reduced levels of this vitamin in the blood. It is manifested by many signs and symptoms, many of them related to the psychological and emotional health. The most common cause include reduced intake, the use of certain medications, genetics, malnutrition, poor absorption from the stomach

Overdose Of Health

What Your Tongue is Trying to Tell You About Your Health

The tongue analysis comes from the antiquated therapeutic routine with regards to Ayurveda, a framework that underpins generally wellbeing through cautious perception of the body and brain. Its introduce is that we are comprised of shifting extents of common components – air, earth, fire, water, and ether, that make the 3 essential protected sorts, ‘dosha’s’:

Overdose Of Health

Bad Shower Habits For Your Health

A shower is so much more than just a way to clean ourselves. A shower is a morning wake up call, a natural stress relief, an aroma therapy, a bed time story… However, the skin is the biggest organ in our body. And skin is directly affected by the shower. And through skin many other

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