

What Does Your Sitting Position Reveal About Your Personality

There are psychologists who studied body language and human behaviour, and they claim that how we sit could reveal a lot about our intentions and personality. When we sit down, we sit down unconsciously, but through our sub consciousness our instincts and intentions could be revealed. The following are the most common sitting positions and


The Top 10 Signs Of Porn Addiction

 Whether or not behavioral addictions, such as porn addiction, are actual addictions is highly debated in the psychiatric and treatment communities. While some of these addictions, like gambling addiction, are much more accepted than others, like sex addiction, there is still a great deal of controversy from medical professionals on where addictions end and compulsions


What Type Of Woman Are You According To The Month In Which You Are Born

JANUARY If you were born in January, it means that you are analytic, independent and a born leader. Moreover, you are creative, charismatic, stubborn, ambitious, and serious. You love to teach and to be taught, and people will naturally follow you. You are known for being organized, neat, hardworking, and smart. Moreover, you know how


12 Facts About Farting You Probably Didn’t Know

 It can be really embarrassing to fart in public, however, if it happens with close friends and family members, then you can usually make a joke about it. Still, there are situations when farts can be super annoying. However, you need to realize they are bodily functions, same as hiccups and burping Yet, there is


What Does Your Tongue Say About Your Health

 Open your mouth and look at your tongue. That may sound strange, but your tongue can tell a lot about your health. For example, a black and hairy looking tongue can signal poor oral hygiene, or diabetes. If your tongue is bright red like a strawberry, it could signal a deficiency in folic acid, vitamin


According To Science, You Are Single Because Your Lips Look Like This

Researchers and physiognomists look at the lips become one of the more essential features to pay focus on whenever trying to figure out a character that is person’s. We express our ideas verbally and in so doing something which is reveal of character and psychological peculiarities.We are determined to take a better look at the

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