

3 types of kisses that he won’t easily forget

A kiss is an expression of love, passion and attraction. This is a very intimate activity that brings people together and strengthens relationships. A kiss is a great way to express your feelings. However, there are cultures, which believe that kissing may mean more than just love. This is a sign of friendship, trust, respect […]


4 types of women and why guys choose them

It would seem that the idea of building “eternal love” is more than simple. But what is difficult? Why do we burn so many bridges and hurt ourselves and our partner? Let’s try to understand and understand when women make mistakes! #1. Attracting a man is a state of LOVERS Mistress is a firebomb. Sexy,


The top 5 behaviours that can make you more attractive

To be attractive does not mean to be able to combine trend clothes with the latest makeup novelties or to have natural beauty and physical perfection. In a society, where people interact with each other, it is more important to have such characteristics as charisma, character and self-confidence. You can develop all these qualities by


10 sex positions for a gym-worthy workout in bed

In order to increase your strength, it is not necessary to lift weights. Believe it or not, but sex can replace you a full-body workout. BetterMe App helps women achieve their body goals with ease and efficiency by helping to choose proper meal plans and effective workouts. Start using our app and you will see good


8 mistakes can ruin a relationship slowly and surely

There is no perfect relationship. And this is a fact! Eventually, all couples have difficulties in their relationships that can lead them to disagreements and disputes. Sometimes these difficulties give valuable experience and can really change the relationship for the better. However, some couples cannot cope with problems, and this can ruin their relationship. What


4 reasons why even people in loving, mature relationships may cheat

Most people think that cheaters have a mental disease or a form of emotional immaturity that shoves them into cheating, and sometimes it is true. However, sometimes a person who cheats has an attachment disorder or unresolved childhood trauma and he uses cheating to distract yourself from hurtful feelings. Some relationships experience the lack of


10 simple ways to make a man miss you

A romantic relationship is a rather complicated thing. Some people think that everything is rather easy and it’s enough just to find a special person and fall in love. However, those who are already trying to build relationship with their loved ones will prove, that it’s a hard work which demands a lot of love,

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