Healthy Tips

Stop Using These 20 Medications Because They Cause Memory Loss

Unfortunately, the main reasons of death in the United States are adverse drug reactions. Prescription drugs lead to over 100,000 deaths annually, and more than 1.5 million cases of hospitalized people with severe side-effects. The following three categories of prescription drugs lead to numerous cognitive issues, including memory loss: Sleeping Pills Sleeping pills often lead

Healthy Tips

After Reading This, You Will Never Use Your Phone In A Toilet Again

Since taking our newspaper to the toilet is just so 1950s and, considering how Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are currently dominating the world… it’s not entirely surprising that most of us choose to use our phones during that precious toilet time. In fact, chances are you’re reading this article as on your toilet seat this very moment.

Healthy Tips

10 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Walk Every Day

You have probably heard the saying by Hippocrates “Walking is The Best Medicine”. And when you think about it, that short sentence tells you a lot about your health. Walking combined with a healthy diet, and good night sleep can help you avoid the doctor altogether. As little as 15-30 minutes of walking every day

Healthy Tips

Here’s How to Clear Your Sinuses Quickly In Just Two Steps

To a middle-class Indian family, sinuses are as dangerous as the Flu. Ironically, we don’t even know what it actually is. What we know, is that it causes a lot of pain, which involves our family doctors, and our parents complaining about us being reckless, and irresponsible. Truth be told, sinuses are nothing, but air

Healthy Tips

What Will Happen If You Wrap Your Feet With Aluminum Foil?

Aluminum foil can be found in almost any kitchen in the world and while most of us associate aluminum foil with food preparation and storage, there are numerous usages for this common household item that you may not have considered. For starters, it can function as a wonderful cold remedy. To begin, you’ll need to

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