Author name: Kate Winslet


How Toxins Affect Weight Loss?

To be honest, 90% of the people on this planet want a flatter stomach. Do you want to lose a few inches around your waist so you can fit into those skinny jeans? Let’s take a look to two simple (yet critical) steps to achieving this goal. STEP #1 – Cleanse your colon. We are


Can Antioxidant-Rich Foods Prevent Cancer?

What makes antioxidants the perfect defense your body needs against disease, illness and even fatigue? There’s an overwhelming amount of information out there, from the doctor’s office to the Internet. To make matters worse, most of the information you get contradicts something else you’ve learned! You need antioxidants – this is just a fact –


Is your body dangerously acidic?

If you have taken basic biology, you will know that any cell requires certain conditions to function normally. Temperature and pH must be precise in order to support simple life. Likewise, our body as a whole requires basic conditions in order to have optimal performance. When functioning at its optimal level, the human body’s fluids


Potential Health Benefits Of Collagen

What is Collagen? Collagen is the most common protein in our body. It is found in muscles, bones, skin, blood vessels, digestive system and tendons. The main task of collagen is to strengthen connective tissue and maintain body integrity. Collagen is also responsible for keeping joints, tendons and organs together by joining the connective tissue


Is Ketogenic Diet Healthy?

Benefit #1: Weight Loss  Several studies have shown that people on a high fat, low carb diet burn fat at a faster rate than those with a high carb, low fat diet. This is primarily because lower insulin levels caused by the low carb diet (keto), help to remove excess water from the body. During ketosis,


Can bacteria strains help improve the immune system?

Bacteria and intestines Bacteria are in our body 10 times more than our cells. Most of these bacteria are located in our intestines and most of them are quite harmless. Probiotics, one of the friendly bacteria species, provide various benefits on our health when consumed. According to some researches probiotics are helping to relieve menopausal


How to stop snoring immediately

What is snoring? While we sleep, the airways in our throat and nose relax. This can sometimes cause them to narrow, so air travels faster through them. As we breathe in and out, this faster flow of air makes the soft tissues in the back of our mouth, nose and throat vibrate. This is what


Everything You Should Know About Menopause

There are numerous symptoms associated with menopause: menstruation hot flashes mood swings fatigue irregular periods heart palpitations vaginal dryness breast tenderness Menopause can come with different symptoms, the most common ones being hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and night sweats. For some women, the answer to the best menopause treatment might be more complicated than just


How to Quit Smoking if You’re a Woman

1. Replace it with a healthy diet The first thing you need to realize when you want to stop smoking is = you must replace the cigarettes with something more delicious and more healthy. If you’re not used to eating a healthy diet before, it might be difficult for you to change your habits at

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