


How much sex is enough sex? Do you think that your sexual life is good, satisfying or not? Sometimes the issue is not having time and being too busy to spend quality time with our loved ones. Moreover, to reconnect on a sexual, intimate level. For some people having sexual intercourse twice a week is


Doctors Explain Why Intermittent Fasting Is Good For Metabolism

According to data compiled by the National Center for Health Statistics, nearly 40 percent of adults and around 19 percent of young Americans are obese. Also, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) states that medical costs stemming from obesity is nearly $1,500 higher than that of those who are height-weight proportionate. The CDC reports that the medical cost


Your Little Finger Can Tell a Lot About Your Personality

It’s little bit strange, but your little finger can tell a lot about you. With measuring your little finger you can find out more about your personality, what are your habits, your relationship … There are 3 basic personality types that your little finger can indicate. Just look at your finger and see how long or short


Why You’re Waking Up at The Same Time Every Night

If you wake up around the same time every night, according to the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), it is a clear sign of some imbalance in your body that needs to be addressed. The theory is that our spiritual and physical well-being are directly connected to our internal systems and rhythms, that govern our bodily


Girls, Shape of Your Lips Can Reveal Some Secrets About You

Shape 1, Thick Lips They are fond of flirting. They seek for male attention and if male is completely honest they get it for sure. Such girls have gentle soul but they like to play everything hard. These girls always want attention and love. Shape 2, Thin Lips Little difficult case to handle. They can