

6 unexpected tips to be more confident in bed

To talk about your desires, to feel calm, to live in harmony with your body. Achieving this is not so easy, but possible, and at any age. How to do this? With positive self-awareness and inner freedom. For a self-confident person it is difficult to understand someone who does not trust himself, fears intimacy and […]


9 Ways To Heal From A Breakup And Become Better, Not Bitter

Suddenly breaking up with that special one whom you have always imagined the future with, can be devastating and heart wrenching. It is extremely painful and difficult. The process is a long one, no one can say for long it will last.You feel like you are never going to get out of this feeling. Will


5 Things To Do When Your Partner Seems Distant

When the dynamic in a relationship changes, it’s hard to ignore. The imbalance makes itself known. It stamps its feet in your chest and your subconscious. It keeps you awake as they sleep beside you, but yet millions of miles away. Sometimes changes are normal. Sometimes they’re just natural steps in the evolution of a


9 Habits of Women Who Always Stay Attractive

It can be easy to compare ourselves to other people, especially when we feel self-conscious with our body shape or skincare. But thankfully, there are some simple habits we can follow women who have practiced self-care (internally and externally) for a long time. It’s not just the creams you use on your face for skincare


15 Symptoms That Indicate When Your Menopause Will Start

Menopause is maybe one of the most frightening and nerve-racking (although natural) processes, which affects women’s well-being at their mid-age. The gradual decrease in the production of reproductive hormones, which develops for several years, leads to the cessation of menstruation. This usually occurs in women between 50 and 55 years old, but it’s completely possible


Top 6 Basic Personal Hygiene Tips for Women

A healthy mind and body do not stop at being sane and disease- free. Being healthy also means feeling great and comfortable all day long. One of the basic ways to ensure a fresh feeling every day is to maintain good personal hygiene. What is personal hygiene? For most people, personal hygiene includes monotonous activities


Psychological Test: Guess Which One Is Not a Family

Relationships play a huge role in building our persona. Teaching us what we want and what we need in life. Most importantly, they are one of the basic factors for our good health. How we perceive human relationships and what kind of relationships we are getting into can restore or deteriorate our health balance. According


This Is What The Shape Of Your Butt Says About Your Health!

The size and shape of one’s buttocks can reveal a lot of things about health. Only its size can show the general health condition of a person. Generally, people tend to believe that fat storage is bad for the health, but this might not be always true. They come in all sizes and different shapes,

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